By:Heather – Published: Aug 25, 2012 – Updated: Dec 02, 2024
Homemade Moose Tracks ice cream? Heck to the yeah! It’s easy and incredible delicious!
When I received the email that my sweet friend Brandy was having an Ice Cream Social here at Nutmeg Nanny, I knew I had to participate. After all, I do love me some ice cream and I definitely love Brandy (the hostess not the libation).
Want to read more? Please check out for the recipe for Moose Tracks and tons of other deliciousness!
Heather is a recipe developer and content creator living in Vancouver, Washington. She started Farmgirl Gourmet in 2006, almost 20 years ago, as a way to share recipes with friends and family. Heather is also the co-founder of Spiceology , a unique spice company, which she started in 2013. She shares family friendly recipes for easy everyday meals with a gourmet twist.