I Scream You Scream…

Updated On: Sep 13, 2023

This post brought to you by Unilever Ice Cream . All opinions are 100% mine.

Summer is fully upon us and nothing says summer like a frozen treat on a hot sunny day.  Social Spark asked if I’d like to work with Unilever to showcase some of their frozen concoctions, aka ice cream.  That was definitely not a hard decision.  I mean, who doesn’t love ice cream?  In our house we happen to love it in all shapes, sizes, flavors, colors, forms.  If it’s cold and creamy then we are screaming HECK YA!

After signing up to be a part of this promotion, I received 6 free coupons in the mail (you can too – read on) and I packed the kids in the car and we headed to the store.  To say they were “like kids in the candy store” was an understatement.  It took us a while to pick out which to buy.  We settled on this list:

After flustering the checkout guy at the store with 6 free ice cream coupons we headed home.  Photographing the Magnum Ice Cream  Double Caramel Bars was first on the list.  They were calling my name and they definitely did not disappoint!  Out of all of the ice cream that we tested, my favorite was the Fruttare Strawberries & Milk.  They were fresh, creamy and had a homemade taste to them.  I can definitely see them as a staple in our freezer for the summer.

Let’s have some fun… leave me a comment below telling me which of the 6 brands you’d like to try and I will send one person 6 free coupons (1 for each).  You just have to tell me which you think would be your fave!!  Leave a comment below!  I will pick one winner on Wednesday July 24th via random.org.

Follow these Unilever Brands to stay in the ice cream loop!

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Recipe By:

Heather is a recipe developer and content creator living in Vancouver, Washington. She started Farmgirl Gourmet in 2006, almost 20 years ago, as a way to share recipes with friends and family. Heather is also the co-founder of Spiceology , a unique spice company, which she started in 2013. She shares family friendly recipes for easy everyday meals with a gourmet twist.


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  1. Sign me up for the Klondike Oreo Sandwiches! They look great!

  2. I’ve been hearing good things about the Frutare, but haven’t had a chance to try them yet. So, heck ya.

  3. Carolsue says:

    I really want to try the new Fruttare bars because 1) I have never tried them and 2) They look like they have a lot of fruit in them which would make me very happy!

  4. laurajacobson says:

    Oh I would love to try the Magnum Ice Cream Double Chocolate Caramel Bars! I love caramel and double chocolate! Yep…sounds perfect! 🙂
    landfjacobson @ charter.net

  5. burgundy says:

    I would love to try the oreo cookie ice cream sandwiches.

  6. Jamie Ottney says:

    The Klondike Oreo Cookie Sandwich looks delicious!! But then, they all look and sound delicious…we would love to try any of them!

  7. Laura C. says:

    We love the Magnum bars – any of the dark chocolate flavors – but I’ve been wanting to try several of the Popsicle flavors!

  8. I grew up with popsicles and Klondikes, but I have had my eye on the Magnums since I saw them at Target a few months back. They have a mini version that is like a bite sized ice cream candy bar.

  9. Debbie Z. says:

    The Fruttare Strawberries and Milk sound wonderful!!

  10. Gina Guthrie says:

    I love magnum bars the best.

  11. Meghan Finley says:

    You had me at Magnum Ice Cream Double Chocolate Caramel Bars. Double Caramel! It’s like someone fulfilled a long awaited dream of mine.:)

  12. The Magnum Bars!

  13. Mmm… the Strawberry Fruttare look refreshing!

  14. Jeanne (NanaBread) says:

    I guess this answers the question “What would you do for a Klondike Bar?” So Klondike me!

  15. Rachel | Buttercream Is Better says:

    I would try the Magnum Ice Cream Double Chocolate Caramel Bars! They look insane!

  16. Wow, that would be a hard choice! I love the Choco Tacos that Klondike makes, but the lime bars from Fruttare look really good in the heat of summer too. I guess I’d pick the Fruttare bars 🙂

  17. Sommer @ ASpicyPerspective says:

    Would love to try the Strawberry Fruttare bars! They sound so good!

  18. Well, of course chocolate is always good, but I think I’d go for the strawberry Fruitare bars!!

  19. barbara n says:

    I love magnum bars!!

  20. I’ll go for the Magnums! They rock!!!

  21. Oreo Klondikes!!!

  22. The Fruttare Strawberries and Milk bars look delicious! I’m especially curious to try them if they beat out the Magnum bars at your house.

  23. Mary Brown says:

    Yum, yum, yummy! I would love to try the Magnum bars…Thanks for the offer!

  24. Denise Wilson says:

    peanut butter cups!

  25. Rachel Budke says:

    Magnum bars are GREAT!

  26. Marnely Rodriguez-Murray says:

    Magnum would totally be my favorite!!!!!!!

  27. I’d love to try the Fruttare Coconut and Milk bars! They look scrumptious!

  28. Callie Ward says:

    I have to say that the Magnum bars have piqued my curiosity before, if not for the yummy chocolate and ice cream but also because of the name. Makes me think of other magnum items and umm, we’ll ice cream is delicious too!

  29. Donna Becker says:

    I already love the Magnum but in looking at the Fruttare Strawberries & Milk I really want to try them

  30. christina k says:

    I would love to try the peanut butter cup one. Peanut butter and chocolate is definitely one of my favorite combos. 🙂

  31. Mary Happymommy (@mami2jcn) says:

    I’d like to try the klondike bars because they remind me of those funny commercials when I was a kid (“what would you dooooo for a klondike bar?!”)

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  32. Diane M. says:

    I’ve been wanting to try the Magnum bars, they look so yummy!

  33. Courtney -- a fellow Spokanite! says:

    Mmm – the Breyers cookie dough ice cream sounds delicious (delish)! 🙂

  34. Jamie Higgins says:

    The Fruttare sounds amazing!

  35. Mary Beth Elderton says:

    Oh! The Magnum Ice Cream Double Chocolate Caramel Bars! The Oreos! The Fruttare! To pick a favorite would be a tough decision!

  36. Allison (Spontaneous Tomato) says:

    I’d like to try the Good Humor Peanut Butter Cups. (Anything with peanut butter… : )

  37. Devi McDonald says:

    Magnum bars for sure!!

  38. They all sound really good on this hot day, but I would definitely go with the Klondike Oreo Cookie Sandwiches. Yum!

  39. Fruttare would be MY favorite because I love anything cold with fruit BUT my kids would go crazy for the SpongeBob Squarepants Push Ups (even our 20 year old)!!

  40. Meri Lutz says:

    I am leaning towards the Fruttare… We need not disclose the Sponge Bob ice cream to my kiddos..

  41. Kimberly says:

    How Can You Not Go Wrong With Oreo!

  42. Janine Hamilton says:

    I am going to go with your personal recommedation on this one. You have excellent taste, so I think the Fruttare should grace my freezer in the near future!

  43. Magnum bars for sure, but Breyers is a freezer staple around here! Mmmmm I’m screamin’ for ice cream!

  44. jada fritz says:

    Summers finally HERE where my Ice cream?

  45. Christopher Sorel says:

    seen the magnum and love to try them

  46. Sandy Headtke says:

    Fruttare looks like it would just slide down nice and cool. Good Humor brings memories of my childhood. How to pick just one….

  47. Jenny Hartin says:

    Magnum are great but it always makes me think of condoms. 🙂

  48. Holly Prosser says:

    Klondike Oreo ice cream for sure!

  49. Renae Meredith says:

    The Magnum Bars are a favorite around here.

  50. Becca from ItsYummi.com says:

    Oh geez… My inner carboholic is screaming for the Magnum bars, but my ice cream loving self just wants to face plant into the Breyers!

  51. Michele Fore says:

    Definitely the Magnum bars!

  52. ummmmmmmm not even a question the magnum bars look delish!!!

  53. I’d love to try the Magnum bars!!!

  54. I like to try Breyers

  55. I want to try Magnum, too. 🙂 My hubby would love if I won this!

  56. Mary Clay @ Cooking with the King says:

    Magnum ice cream looks divine!

  57. Those Klondike Oreo ice cream sandwiches look awesome!

  58. idahograndy says:

    My granddaughter, who is the Queen of Pink, is coming for a visit in August, and I know she would love the PINK strawberry-on-a-stick. And, if I know Elena, she will also be wearing it by the time she gets to the end of the stick…and she does look good in pink!

  59. Denise Fedor says:

    No money for ice cream here. Those Magnum bars SURE look good! Bet they taste even better!

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