1. Dear Anonymous. The rings don’t melt, surprisingly…but after washing them I have them stored in a container that reads “not for canning” as I’m sure the rubbers arenkt viable anymore. But I do plan to reuse them for this purpose again….like tomorrow? Stay tuned. ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you give them a shot.


  2. Great idea! Beautiful pictures! I would like to give it a try. But I have a question so: “Doesn’t rubber on a jar lids burn in the hot oven?”

  3. I had a big load of seckel pears from my CSA and thankfully found your blog and had to try these – changed it slightly because I didn’t have enough lids – so used small tart pans – they were absolutely delicious – brilliant recipe! Def trying other recipes – great blog! Sending thanks from Brooklyn

  4. What inspired little tarts! I was picking up pectin for a canning project at the grocery store when I saw Seckel pears and thought of your sumptuous tarts. Thank you for sharing the delightful story of a lovely day with friends.

  5. wonderful idea for the mason jars! And it sounds like you scored some great produce along with am even better friend

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