1. Teaspoons or tablespoons for the yeast? 2 envelopes of Fleischmann’s (which I always considered a standard size) equals 4.33 tablespoons… Dying for a response to make this ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hi Jessica – sorry for the delay, I was traveling without access to my site. Typical yeast packets such as Red Star or Fleischmans are 2 1/4 teaspoons so you will need 4 1/2 teaspoons of yeast if using bulk. Hope that helps.

  2. I just tried this for the first time and I’m looking for a little help. I’m not well-practiced in the art of bread-making so bear with me. I found that I needed to add quite a bit more flour to get the dough to a point of “workability”…it was too running for me with just 4.5 cups. Then after braiding, which looked great, and baking for 15 min…I saw that my braid sort of “broke open” down the center. Doesn’t look like the pretty braid in your photos…What can I do to prevent this next time? Thanks! Love your photos and instructions.

  3. We’ll braid 6 braid Challah soon! Will make some next week and do a step by step. Here’s a hint: “Outside, Inside. Inside, Middle” Yeah….that’s the 6 braid! Just need to get on that ๐Ÿ˜› Now I really wanna bakeeeee! ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. Now I want to make Challah, LOL! I made Brioche for the first time, oh my Yum!!!! I just love love bread:-) Your Challah looks gorgeous! Hugs, Terra

  5. The challah is BEAUTIFUL! You’ve inspired me… I used to make challah all the time. As a matter of fact, often enough that my son (15y) knows how to make challah as well as I do. Nevertheless, you’ve inspired me to make a loaf. Which then can be enjoyed plain, toasted, as french toast (a personal favorite)… I could go on.

    Thanks for the recipe and the gorgeous step by step photos.

    Finally, your Farmgirl Gourmet logo gets mega points for logo-recognition. I came over to your recipe via Foodblogs and immediately recognized your logo as someone I follow on Pinterest. Go figure.


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