Sticky Cinnamon Scrolls is a take on the classic cinnamon roll with raisins. This recipe is easy to make and the results are a beautiful sticky roll.
Being part of a new blogging group called Virtual Potluck, I received 2 advanced copies of “Home Made” by Yvette Van Boven. One to review and one to give away! This book is amazing. It’s totally up my alley with respect to making it home made. Everything in the book is absolutely drool-worthy, right down to the home made Mustard Mayonnaise. Choosing one recipe to feature here was next to impossible! I had about 8 different recipes I wanted to share and many more that were second runners up, but alas, I could only share one.
The winner was these Sticky Cinnamon Scrolls. They are quick to make and perfect for a breakfast treat when you don’t want to slave in the kitchen long. They were perfect. Really perfect. Like take the picture as fast as you can so you can devour it perfect. Ok, you get the picture.So what do you think? Would you like your own copy of this book? It has more than 200 unique recipes and ideas for homemade dishes including homemade cheese, ketchup and tips on smoking your own meats and even a recipe for smoked beets. (I must make them).
Sticky Cinnamon Scrolls
“Right! A little bit of a hangover also requires something sweet, of course. These are ready in a little over 30 minutes, really no time at all. And usually everything will be in the pantry, so you don’t have to leave the house. An ideal breakfast.” – “Home Made” by Yvette Van Boven
2 1/3 cups self rising flour (or all-purpose flour with 2-3 teaspoons baking powder)
pinch of salt
1/2 stick butter, chilled
2/3-3/4 cup buttermilk (or regular milk)
And also
large chunk of spreadable butter
nuts – walnuts, peanuts, whatever you have in the cupboard, coarsely chopped
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
2 In a bowl, mix the flour with a little salt and the butter until the dough looks like coarse sand (or conversely, you could use your food processor). Slowly add the buttermilk into a supple dough.
3 Roll the dough ball out into a very thing slab (say, 1/8 inch thick) on the countertop dusted with flour. Liberally spread butter on the dough. Sprinkly with sugar, cinnamon, raisins, and chopped nuts. Roll slab lengthwise into a long rope.
4 Butter a baking sheet or cover with parchment paper. Cut the roll into equal small rolls and place them upright against each other on the sheet. They don’t have to fit tightly. Brush with the lightly beaten egg and bake the scrolls for approximately 25 minutes until golden brown and cooked on the inside.
Serve with chilled butter. Also delicious with whipped cream or unsweetened creme fraiche.
Makes 4-6 Servings
Disclaimer: I was provided 2 advance copies of “Home Made” by Yvette Van Boven from the cookbook publisher Abrams. One for me to review and keep and one to give away to the winner of this contest. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated monetarily.
Recipe By:
Co-Founder at Spiceology | More About Heather…
Heather is a recipe developer and content creator living in Vancouver, Washington. She started Farmgirl Gourmet in 2006, almost 20 years ago, as a way to share recipes with friends and family. Heather is also the co-founder of Spiceology , a unique spice company, which she started in 2013. She shares family friendly recipes for easy everyday meals with a gourmet twist.
I am a fan of Farm Girl Gourmet on Fb (as pão e queijo blog)
sarahepardee at gmail dot com
What yummy sticky rolls! I’d LOVE to win this book. I just went to check out the other books for the giveaway on Virtual Picnic, they look amazing! I must be quick to enter the rest of them! Thanks 🙂
sarahepardee at gmail dot com
Looks great!
don’t count me in for the giveaway, but your cinnamon scrolls are just lovely!
I went here and the cinnamon rolls look yummy
Oh wow….thought I already liked you on Facebook before….that’s strange. Well I’m now a follower on Facebook!
I already follow you on Twitter!!
Checked out the virtual potluck. These rolls look amazing! Will be trying these too….they look super easy!
Went on over to Cookistry! Love the virtual potluck site. Doing the Twitter tweets.
I LIKED you on FB, tweeted the contest, went to the Virtual Pot Luck & here’s my comment…I really want that cookbook to add to my collection!
I tweeted about the contest.!/teslaca/status/137481374629244929
Following FarmgirlGourmet on Twitter
The laziz tikka masala pictured on Cookistry looks great! I’d definitely try that one. But these rolls look irresistible too. Yum!
I like you on Facebook (Carolsue Anderson)
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I tweeted!/MsCarolsueA/status/137416078002368513
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I follow FarmGirl Gourmet on Twitter as MsCarolsueA
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I checked out the Virtual Potluck Roundup — I read the review on Susan Benton from 30AEATS decided that she wanted to use Cooking without Borders by Anita Lo for her potluck recipe.
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
larkspurpurple (at)
I follow FarmgirlGourmet on Twitter. I am @purplelarkspur
larkspurpurple (at)
I checked out the Virtual Potluck Round Up. Thanks!
larkspurpurple (at)
Following you on Twitter!
I started over at Cookistry! That’s how I ended up here!
Okay, I checked out Cookistry. Nice, I love baking homemade bread, and that seems to be a theme over there…
Katie Barnett
Kalispell, Montana
I do like Farm Girl Gourmet on Facebook, have for quite a while now. I do appreciate that you post, it reminds me to check out your blog a few times a week.
Katie Barnett
Kalispell, Montana
I tweeted the contest verbatim. 😉
I follow FG on Twitter.
I follow FG on FB.
I checked out the virtual potluck. Yummy!
Delicious… Also nice giveaway!
Great giveaway & I love the look of those cinnamon rolls 🙂
Whoa, quite the plethora of cookbooks contributing to the virtual pot luck! Home Made is definitely one I’d love to add to my collection 🙂
chris [at]
I checked out the virtual potluck… so many yummy recipes and tons of great giveaways!
Cookbooks look awesome, thanks for sharing.
I’m all for Home Made and if these are any indication of what’s inside – it’s one for the collection 🙂 I like you on Twitter and Facebook!
friends with susan benton of 30A eats & she sent me to cookistry in regards to the virtual potluck & i found you through them! liked you fb & now following you on twitter. what a great idea of this virtual potluck!
I’m loving all the Virtual Potluck posts and your cinnamon rolls look fabulous! I’d definitely love to win a copy of this book 🙂
I “liked” the Farmgirl Gourmet Facebook page.
Adele Fiorino
[email protected]
I checked out the virtual potluck on Cookistry
Adele Fiorino
[email protected]
I like Farmgirl Gourmet on facebook — Donna F.
[email protected]
I tweeted the contest! –Donna F.!/DonnaJustine/status/136619369223557120
[email protected]
I checked out the Virtual Potluck Round Up on Cookistry.–Donna F.
[email protected]
I went to Cookistry. The cookbook looks great!
Hello nummy, finger licking good cinnamon rolls…time to come visit my house please ;D
I had never heard of a virtual potluck before. I checked it out and now am thinking about buying some 00 flour to make a ricotta pear cake.
I follow on Twitter! CeeVegNashville
ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com
I checked out the potluck, and hazelnut cake with fluffy ricotta and pear custard? Oh. my. goodness!
ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com
Tweeted it!
Just checked out the Virtual Potluck Round Up and there are so many great looking books and recipes!
Sounds like a great book…can’t go wrong with these cinnamon scrolls
Glorious rolls. I’m not a fan of raisins, but I’d be able to ignore them just this once!
Read about this on Cookistry. Love Donna’s blog and glad she sent me here.
Looks so delicious Heather!
Love the virtual potluck concept. I mostly read Cookistry blog, but it is nice to find more cool blogs to read!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Why am I reading all these Virtual Potluck posts before dinner? Good lord this looks good! Great job and beautiful photography.
There are some good cookbooks up for grabs at the Cookisry
What a cook pot luck! I checked out the other sites, and especially loved Food Hunter’s cake.
love these!! great giveaway great pictures fyi
I have tweeted the giveaway @elizaraxi as well. I’ve had this book on my list forever, which explains the dedication to multiple entries. 🙂
aaaand I liked you on facebook (you should like Coppertop Kitchen, too!)
Following! @elizaraxi
Love the virtual potluck idea! So much fun!!
Can I just come over and you’ll cook for me. YUM! Looks like a good book. So do all the others on the virtual potluck. Need to go make my rounds. 😉
YUM!!! Cookistry has AWESOME recipes to share!! Pumpkin Muffins :-)!
looks soooo yummy…..
Just viewed the virtual potluck. Delicious.
I tweeted the giveaway @icywit
I liked you on facebook!
I follow you on twitter @icywit
Liked on FB! Rachel Conners
I will try these when family comes next weekend!
I checked out the virtual potluck! Loved it.
I follow you on Twitter! @rachbakes
These look amazing!
Can’t wait to see what you all at the virtual potluck are up to, it looks so cool!
Just went to the virtual potluck. What a great idea!
And I tweeted about the giveaway!
I’m now a follower on Twitter too!
I “liked you” on FB!
I visited the virtual potluck bloggers, so many great recipes.
Sounds good! I’d like a chance to win the cookbook please geristerling@yahoo-dot-com
I love this idea of a virtual potluck- was fun checking it out! Oh and those rolls? Come to mama!
I “like” you on Facebook.
I tweeted about your giveaway:!/BoonieSooze/status/136148395197857792
I am now following you on Twitter.
I’m here because I found you through the article at Cookistry.
I’m making these this weekend. Virtual Roundup was very cool!
I liked you on FB!
I checked out the Virtual Roundup on Cookistry. Can’t wait to try this recipe!
I like you on FB and I just checked out the Cookistry site……those cinnamon rolls sound sooooo good.
I follow you on FB.
I tweeted giveaway.
[email protected]
I follow you on twitter
[email protected]
I went over and visited the virtual potluck.
[email protected]
very good- I checked it out
These look absolutely heavenly!
Had no idea so many good recipies were on Cookistry. Sure would love to have that cookbook…you can sign me up! 🙂 I’ll like you on facebook too!
I like you on Facebook also 🙂
I came to your site from Cookistry. I love her site and you’re is great also. I definitely bookmarking your site. 🙂
I like Farmgirl Gourmet on FB.
[email protected]
Great job Heather! Love the pictures.
I checked out the Virtual Potluck RoundUp on Cookistry.
[email protected]
Great plug for FG on Cookistry’s Virtual Potluck! And my-oh-my … MUST make those cinnamon scrolls!
I already “like” Farmgirl Gourmet on FB
[email protected]
Smoked beets? Yes, you must try them!
I just checked out the Cookistry site.
[email protected]
I have got to remember to eat SOMETHING before I start visiting blogs in the morning. These look amazing. My Cheerios? Not so much.
I know Donna; we’ve met recently as we’re not too far apart; funny how this blogging world brings all of us closer together isn’t it?
One more time…I am irrepressible! I Tweeted about the contest!
I like your page on Facebook…and I would so enjoy a copy of the cookbook….
I headed over to Cookistry…good site and salivating recipes
Wonderful! They look so good. I see you collect Pink Transferware too…I am sure I have that plate in my mix & match! Great taste.
I like you on FB
I just checked out the Virtual Potluck posts, GREAT looking recipes!
Just checked out the roundup, what a great idea! Lots of great recipes too.
I can’t wait to see the smoked beets 😉 but these cinnamon rolls look so tasty! Wish I had one for breakfast instead of my cold cereal…
I love cinnamon rolls! These looks absolutely divine!
These look so yummy! I’ve been eyeing this cookbook since I heard about it, a few months ago. I’ve checked out all the other Virtual Potluck posts, including Cookistry’s. Sign me up for this giveaway. 🙂