1. I do hope you’ll share her Portuguese Sweet Bread recipe!! She sounds wonderful and we should all gather incredible stories like the ones she has to offer. Write them down! And I love the twist on pumpkin soup with the garam masala and apple. I must try this!

    1. Hi Jamie!! Yes, I will share in an upcoming post. She’s so fun to have around. I wish we didn’t live so far away from one another. I’m grateful to have her here with me for a couple weeks to enjoy stories and baking.

  2. Your Grandmother doesn’t look a day over 65! I love that she was ‘skeptical’ about all the spices in this soup initially..that’s how my late grandma’s would have been! Now, will you stop making my mouth water with all of your dishes, this soup being no exception ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. I know right? I hope I get her good genes! She’s still amazing at 93! Sorry for making your mouth water. Ok, no I’m not. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for popping by Lisa!! xo

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