1. I made these before the recipe was corrected, so forgot the salt and cream of tartar – and they still turned out fine. My mixture never approached clear, but the sugar was melted, so I went ahead and whipped the mixture till stiff peaks formed. One hint – I’d make several smaller bags because by the middle of the batch, my colors were starting to fade, but they were still pretty (just more like pink and baby blue). I took some to work and also served them at my Fourth of July dinner party and they were a big hit both places!

  2. I have been making meringues for year but never put the mixture on the stove……..what is the significance of doing this? other than melting the sugar?? My curiosity is killing me!

  3. Mine didn’t turn out quite right! The end mixture was glossy but it was soupy and looked like melted marshmallow.when I filled the bag with the mixture it began pouring out of the tip and it would not hold any shape. What could have gone wrong???

    1. Mel – have your piping bag ready with the tip attached. Use a small paint brush and dip it into the red gel food coloring. Run the paint brush up the inside of the piping bag (like painting a line from bag tip up to almost the top of the bag opening). Rinse the paint brush or use another one and do the same with the blue gel coloring. Then fill the bag with the meringue. The gel coloring will color the meringue in a line and as you squeeze it out it will be striped. Hope that helps. ~heather

  4. I’ve never made meringues before but would like to make them for an Air Force bbq. When do you add the salt and cream of tartar?

  5. Melissa…they won’t melt in the heat. I’ve made meringues for years and have never had they melt. When I’ve used mini chocolate chips in them, the chips will get soft but not the meringue. Hope this helps.

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