1. You know what I still have a whole lots of mangoes here and I am fed up of mango lassies so that is a welcome recipe change which we would for sure enjoy completely!

  2. will be making this soon for family coming to visit!! Great easy Idea ๐Ÿ™‚ I am sure my son will adore this too. he likes all things mango.

  3. Agua fresca is like none other – it’s amazing!! I had it for the first time in Mexico on a post high school grad trip – though I had no idea that’s what it was at the time. I still remember how good it tasted. This looks fantastic Heather!

  4. Ay San Fran…I miss living so closing. The food is amazing. I used to frequent a Cuban restaurant and loved it but the diversity is amazing!

    I always make watermelon aqua fresca but I am on a mango kick so this is going to happen. Love the idea of it with lime. Yum.

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